Patrick EMIN Apps

AutoCAD SysVar 1.2
Patrick EMIN
A new AutoCAD® 2010 system variableisdisplayed on this widget every hour. Press on the widget toupdateit.AutoCAD® is a software from Autodesk, Inc
AutoCAD VarSys 1.0.3
Patrick EMIN
Une nouvelle variable système d'AutoCAD®2009apparait aléatoirement sur ce widget toutes les heures. Appuyezsurle widget pour le mettre à jour.AutoCAD® est un logiciel d'Autodesk, Inc
BrasilEuro 1.0
Patrick EMIN
Com noticias da Europa, é destinadoaosbrasileiros residentes em todo o mundo e ao publico dos paisesdelingua portuguesa. O site, sediado na cidade francesa de Lyon,éeditado pela jornalista Andréa Rego e pelo informaticoPatrickEmin.Tem o objetivo de informar ao seu leitor o que acontece demaisimportante na Europa, com algumas noticias nem sempreencontradasna editoria internacional dos principais jornais doBrasil.Chegamos com a pretensao de ser o seu canal de comunicaçaocom ovelho continente, com espaço para que brasileiros residentesaqui,no Brasil e em todo o mundo, exponham suas reflexoes eopinioessobre o nosso pais, sobre a Europa e a relaçao entre osdois.Queremos contar, num futuro proximo, com outroscolaboradoresvindos das diferentes areas, para enriquecer esseprojeto, queesperamos possa fazer a diferença e conquistar umpublico avido porsaber mais sobre este nosso mundo.With news of Europeisintended to Brazilian residents worldwide and the public ofthePortuguese-speaking countries. The site is based in the Frenchcityof Lyon, is edited by journalist Andrea Rego and ComputingPatrickEmin.Aims to tell your reader what happens most important inEurope,with some news not always found in international editorshipof themain newspapers in Brazil. We arrived with the pretension ofbeingyour channel of communication with the old continent, withspacefor Brazilians living here in Brazil and around the worldpresenttheir reflections and opinions about our country, aboutEurope andthe relationship between two.We want to tell, in the near future, with other employeescomingfrom different areas, to enrich this project, we hope to makeadifference and gain an audience avid to learn more aboutourworld.
CheckerShadow illusion 1.0
Patrick EMIN
The most famous of all optical illusion,youwon't believe your eyes!
Michel Audiard citations 1.0.0
Patrick EMIN
Les meilleures citations de MichelAudiardapparaissent sur ce widget toutes les heures. Un appui surlewidget force la mise à jour.V 1.0.0 environ 70 citations
SOS 1.1
Patrick EMIN
Send a call for help with a simpleclick!You are in a "hot" situation, you feel threatened? Click the bigSOSbutton and your two pre-defined contacts receive a SMS withyourpre-defined message, street address and a link to yourlocation onGoogle Maps.Optionally, activate a powerful siren to attract the attentionofpeople around you.Optionally, record sound.
SOS free 1.1
Patrick EMIN
Send a call for help with a simpleclick!You are in a "hot" situation, you feel threatened? Click the bigSOS button and your two pre-defined contacts receive a SMS withyour pre-defined message, street address and a link to yourlocation on Google Maps.Optionally, activate a powerful siren to attract the attention ofpeople around you.Optionally, record sound.This is the free version, settings are not permanentlysaved.